Wait Times for Pebble
Jun. 2021
A one-day project to introduce a wait times service to the Pebble platform
UCF KnightsFace for Pebble
Nov. 2017
Excited for my admission to college, I designed and programmed a Pebble Chalk watchface with a UCF theme!
FuelRod Locator for Pebble
Jun. 2017
A watchapp for Pebble which allowed users to find the nearest FuelRid swap kiosk at both WDW and Disneyland
Aug. 2016 - Dec. 2016
A service for the pebble smartwatch platform to provide notifications to users about upcoming rocket launches.
Time Cruise
Jun. 2016
A watchface for the Pebble smartwatch hastily prepared for use on a Disney Cruise, the day before departure
Spaceship Earth 2 for Pebble
Mar. 2016 - Dec. 2016
A much higher-fidelity version of my Classic SSE watchface, that unfortunately was never widely published.
Kattrack for Pebble
Jan. 2016
A pebble smartwatch application of the Kattrack site, for use with color pebble smartwatches
VHS Pride for Pebble
Nov. 2015
A smartwatch watchface to display the day-to-day school schedule of my high school, with a rolling schedule of bell times and more.
Classic SSE for Pebble
Sep. 2015
My first pebble watchface, a simple display of Spaceship Earth that spun whenever you flicked your wrist.